1. 1. 1 1. 1. a EVENING.
OAKLAND TRIBUNE'S FINANCIAL PAGE SEPTEMBER 5, 1914. 17 Column 15 Column 16 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN "ALWAYS NEEDED" have, and the serious feature Menes, when you need it the most it is Today, every day, always. is something that all need and must usually the hardest to get. That is why it Is well to have an established credit that can be used in case of any emergency, ANYONE KEEPING HOUSE Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda can get any amount from $10 to $100 on their plain note and contract which is to understand and easy or indorsem*nts. note is paid before maturity rebate is allowed you the Our plan saves you, time and worry, because there are no pledges, references time paid in advance.
"Ladies may borrow on their own signature." NO PAYMENT REQUIRED FOR SIXTY DAYS Combine your debts and owe us only. We will allow you the sixty days' lime on the first payment; thereafter weekly or monthly as preferred. "EVERYTHING STRICTLY PRIVATE." Call, write or phone OAKLAND 2910. INDEPENDENT LOAN CO. Suite 201-202 Pantages Theater building, 408 12th street.
MONEY TO LOAN (Continued) natures. All transactions strictly conAdential. Let us tell you more about it at our office. Our method is easy to derstand. Reliable Loan Co.
If you want a RELIABLE place to borrow money in small amounts, from $5 to $100, you will make no mistake by coming to us. Loans on Notes Ladies may borrow on their own sig- Reliable Loan Co. Suite 402-3-4 Dalziel Between Clay and Washington sts. Phone Oakland 5123. A- Per Month Loans on diamor is, jewelry or anything of ralue at 2 per rent per no other charges: confidential: no furniture loans FIDELITY LOAN MORTGAGE co.
Plaza 15th and Wash'ton Oakland's new remedial institution. 1000 Men and Women Wanted must be housekeepers of Alameda Co. to borrow. our cash. We want to help you ret a new start by loaning you enough money to pay off your back bills.
Call And And out how easy we can help you In a quick, confidential and quiet way. We help have you? helned If thousands. looking Why not for let us vou are SQUARE DEAL this is the place to come. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO ROOM 519, FIRST NAT. BANK FOURTEENTH AND BROADWAY.
PHONE OAKLAND 6980. WHY WORRY? The chance of a lifetime we offer housekeepers of Alameda county to borrow from us. Best rates consistent with business policies which protect your interests. CENTRAL LOAN CO. Room 217, First Savings Bank 1540 San Pablo cor.
16th. Phone Oakland 3518. $6 to $60 Salaried People Get cheapest rates, best and most private terms withont security, today, MR. DRAKE Room :03 Com'1. 460 12th Oak.
Room 201, Market 8. Street car, railroad and all salaried people can obtain money without security: quick, confidential OAKLAND DISCOUNT 1128 Broadway, room 24. AT California's largest pawnbrokers, liheral loans on diamonds. jewelry, sealskins. furs, hank rates: ladies' private office: fire and burglar pronf vaults on the premises.
Phone Onkland 2621. CALIFORNIA LOAN OFFICE. 835 Broadway. corner 9th. Oakland.
Leans on Furniture PIANOS MADE SAME DAY AS APPLIED FOR and of very little cost to you as our interest is the very lowest to he had. All business strictly confidential. If you wish, we will be glad call upon you to explain our easy method in obtaining a loan and paying same. In doing business with us you save money. Call, write or phone.
Keystone Brokerage Co. 470 13th room 12. bet. Broadway and Washington: phone Oakland 6196. LEGAL, on furniture Ion 15.
vre at room 26. 1007 Oakland 141k MONEY loaned salaried people and others upon their own name: cheap rates; easy payments: confidential. Powers room 9. 470 18th Oakland SECURITY FINANCE loans. any amount, any length of time: furniture.
pianos, lowest rates, easiest payments: confidential. 502 Plaza 15th-Washington: phone Oakland 1401. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW A- FOUR LAWYER- Advice free: familv affairs confid'l: bankruptcy; ages: estates: corporations: patent cases. Rodolph Hatfleld. 289 Bacon Blk.
MURPHEY JOHNSON, Attorneys at Law. First Trust Ravines Bid. Oak 581 A. T. L.
CHRISTIANSON, Atty -at-Law, Pantages phone Lakeside 121. A. MOORE. Attornev-at-Law. Balbos Butlding.
San Francisco. FITZGERALD ABBOTT. Attorneys Law. Oakland Bank of Savings 12th and Broadway: phone Oakland 430. GEO.
DE GOLIA. Oakland Bank of Save Ings room 618: phone Oakland 38. HARRY W. PULCIFER. AttorneyLaw, Union Save.
Bnk. Oak. 787. JOHNSON F. STREET.
Law. 1020 Broadway: phone Oakland 2742: residence hone Oakland 4861. MEL.VIN C. CHAPMAN, AttorneyLaw. Oakland Rank of Savings Hhnne Oakland -886.
ROSE SILVERSTEIN. Law, Union Savings Bank land: nhone Oakland 4101. STANLEY MOORE. Attorney Ralboa San Francisco. NOTARY PUBLIC AA-v.
D. STUART. notary pubile: money to loan. Tribune office. and Franklin: phone Oakland 628.
PATENT ATTORNEYS HARRY C. SCHROEDER, Bank, registered Okid. ent atty. DEWEY, STRONG estab. 1860; Inguide.
100 mechanical move mento. matted free. Crncker Ride. 8. PATENT MODELS.
Pantechnical Mfg. Co. -Patent models electrical and mechanical devices aped. Column 17 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHANCE to save money and have most enjoyable vacation: I have due bill covering two weeks' board and lodg. Ine at Camp Curry (Yosemite Valley) and "Now" Folk Home (Santa Crus Mountains): will sell very cheap.
BoY 4196. Tribune, A COMPLETE violin outfit at sacrifice; very fine toned instrument. 983 61st st. BUILDERS and others: corrugated Iron for roofs and walls. 514 Webster.
FOR SALE-70 yards Brussels, carpet, rood condition: 65 cents per vard. Address Mrs. C. L. Box 12156, Tribune.
FRESH cows. 5 best in the state; perior quality of every respect. 1840 Powell off Golden Gate, Oakland. FOR SALE A cow and calf. 1937 Santa Fe Berkeley.
FOR SALE -8 cows. 2863 BROOKDALE FRUITVALE. FINE thoroughbred fox terrier pups for sale. 834- 18th Oakland. HOMER pigeons and turtle doves.
3602 Richmond nr. Moss. Oakland. LOT of second-hand Y. E.
and L. wood filing devices cheap. M. G. West 353 Market S.
Auto and driving: best linemen's, old price. Oak. Har. 1915 San Pablo ave. ONE malleable steel range with a threeburner gas plate, nearly new: cost $85; will sacrifice for $30 net.
Call morning bet. 10-12, 890 Walker Oakland 6545. PIONEER WRECKING CONSTRUCTION Phone Merritt 280: 1711 East 14th kinds of new and secondhand building material; high cash prices paid for buildings for removal. Branch yard at 36th and San Pablo. RELIABLE new and -2d' hd.
wood. 53d and Adeline; P. 1851, O. 7952. shingles.
doors, windows. plumb, mill 'ROLL-TOP desk, office chair, cash reg1ster; cheap. 343 13th st. BECOND-HAND bicycles, $5 up; puncture proof tires $8. Tobin's.
1971 Teleg. ave, SIX fresh cows: extra quality. 1027 Bancroft, near San Pablo. TENTS 500 election tents for sale. Now is the time to buy a tent for your expected guest at the Fair.
Daah1-Thoms 589 EIGHTH ST. TENT HOUSE, 3 rooms, cheap; nearly new. 2423 14th ave. Water Heater Double copper coll, guaranteed, $8.25. Oak.
Plumbing Sup. 520 Broadway. WALLPAPER, colors, etc. of P. N.
Kuss stock for sale at cost. 584 81et st. 80 BELGIAN does for breeding; young White Leghorn hens. Lake Co. Poultry Depot.
2246 San Pablo ave $475-High-grade 3-pedal new Colonial style piano; only $173 cash or terms; guaranteed. 1075 14th cor. Chestnut, 100 HEALTHY cats, dogs $1 ea. Del, Mr. Halspruner, 98th R.
R. Melrose. PARCELS POST SMYRNA FIGS and almonds direct to you by parcels post, prepaid: figs 60c per 10 lbs. box: almonds 17c per lb. Address W.
A. Whitmer, Box 118, Palo Alto, Cal. WANTED A Best prices gents cast-off clothing. Leon, 614-Washington: phone Oak. 6798.
AA HIGHEST prices paid for gents' cast off elothing. 463 7th Oakland 4743. Books of All Kinds Bought Call, write or Oakland Book 1722 San Pablo phone, phone Oakland BEST prices for men's suite, J. Muller. 630 stb: phone Oakland 6457.
DIAMONDS WANTED, any size: pay spot cash: no delay or publicity In our transactions: we have private offices. California Loan Office, nia's largest pawnbrokers, 885 Broad. way, S. W. sorner 9th Oakland.
DIAMONDS, pearls wanted; highest prices paid. Schuman. 183 Geary R. 624, 8.P. FURNITURE wanted: rive you more for your furniture and household goods than you can ret elsewhere.
Munro de 1007 Clay Oak. 011 Phelan 8. -Douglas 641. Gents' Clothing Bought A. W.
CHASE. 493 8TH OAK 2816. WANTED- -Furniture and rues in high or low grade: will pay cash or sell on commission: cash advanced on consignmenta of furn. and sales called any place at any time. Hoffman Auctioneers: Onkland- 2006.
WANT clothes; good price paid. Phone Elmhurat 685: 4768 E. 14th. AUTOMOBILES A 5-PASS. BUICK, 1913 model, 25-H.
for sale cheap at 2118 Brush st. HAVE 5-pass. fully equipped Mathewson with starter, $2100; will exchange for improved real estate. Box 12266, Tribune. MAXWELE, 1911, for clear: plumbing work or small machine: good order.
G. W. Young, Dimond poolroom. MUST sacrifice, terms or trade. latest model electrio coupe.
Box 12170, Trib. Rad-Fix-Rad-Fix Every man his own radiator repairer. Absolutely harmless and guaranteed. At all dealers and garages. WM.
M. MOORR DISTRIBUTORS, 1305 SUTTER S. F. REGAL ROADSTER; elec. lighted; sell cheap or trade for 5-pass.
1931 Haste Berkeley; phone Berkeley 5463. WILL exchange 40 acres land in Tehama near Red Bluff, for good 5-pass. auto. Box 4838. Tribune.
50 H. P. four door K. C. in fair condition; will take $350 if taken at once.
J. Hay Smith, 1756 Broadway, $300: STUDEBAKER roadster, in firstclass condition; new tires, etc. 3324 Aneltne Berkeley; phone Piedmont 6855, $225; REGAL runabout; fine running order: must sell: bargain. 665 518t phone Pledmont 4089. 1912 HUDSON like new: $650.
539 880 Oakland. 4-PASS Sedan: like new: ever ready starter: maroon upholstering. Pled. 7470. 5-PASS.
1913 Rambler, 38 h. in fine condition: $625. Pled. 7470. AUTOS WANTED AM OWNER of beautiful, strictly modern 6-rm residence in North Brae, on car line.
WIll exchange for really good machine. Box 4036 Tribune. LATE model 5-pass. Ford; good condition: price reasonable. BOx 12264, Tribune.
BICYCLES EXCELSIOR, 1914, 7-H. bargain; 1918 Henderson, with 1914 Improvements, $150; easy terma. Wilson, 1835 Harmon st. Berkeley. EXCELSIOR: 7-H.
chain A1; $150 cash. 2834 Fruitvale at Bona st. INDIAN motorcycle and side car: compiete equipment; $190, cash: inspect. 2905 Chestnut phone Lakeside 1911 TWIN X. tandem: fine condition; 355; $35 down, $10 mo.
F. W. Peterson, 3194 Adeline 8. Berk. Pled.
8391. $50 TWIN Indian, 6-H. 2-speed tandem. 1174 12th Oakiand Column 18 EDUCATIONAL ACCURATE shorthand, typewriting: pri. classes.
refined simple speed dict'n; certifled est. 18 y. Ilsen Shorth'n -529 12th, nr. Wash. A- AND TYPING: legal commercial.
civil service, Individual training. 1351 Fruitvale cor, E. 14th. CALIFORNIA College, 1127 Clay: a select school: practical business training: Individual Instruction: day, evening class. est our pupils secure best salaries.
Why? CONVENT conducted by Sisters nt Mercy: boarding school fully equirined: reasonable. Rev. Mother. GrAns Vallev. POLYTECHNIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, 806 12th Oakland.
Highest standards in business, shortband and typewriting subjects: Morse and wireless telegraphy, English branches, etc. Every graduate of full course employed. Day and night session. Catalogue free. THE ETHEL COTTON STUDIO of expression now affiliated with college.
PARSON'S PRIVATE SCHOOL -Primary. grammar, preparatory: bova and girls: special attention. 886 84th st. SHORTHAND, typing: private classes. Ilsen.
Shorthand 529 13th MUSICAL. BANJO, mandolin- club forming: players call. Jos. Wright, teacher, 2876 Teleg. Eulalia M.
Pickett, grad. teacher piano. harp, guitar, mandolin, ukelele. 2005 Webster. OTTO SAMMET, teacher of Zither.
2942 Webster Oakland: Phone Oak. 7114. Miss M. Lowell, grad. teacher pianoforte, harmony.
5740 Teleg, Pled. 7184. PIANO, mandolin, guitar: spec. beginners. 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; 2-7 p.
m. 588 25th st. PIANO lessons for beginners at home or studio: $3 per month. Ala. 512.
VIOLIN STUDIO: Max Lercher, or: voice culture and piano. Mri. 0. 618 44th Ft. Piedmont DANCING AA-MR.
CHAPMAN. Just returned from abroad, teaching correctly ALL modern dances; classes Mon. and Thurs. private lessons dal daily. Maple Hall; phone Oakland 3453.
A -DOUBLE Hes and one-step Illustrated Tues. gavotte, waltz. tango Friday at Shattuck's School sessions, Foresters' Hall, 13th-Clay; Lake 1719. Private lessons. AA- HILMA BELLE BUTTLAR have resumed teaching: studio, 2321 Telegraph Oak.
3475- Modern dances, Half-and-Half. Lulu Fado, priv. lessons by appoint'nt. A- -Stella Macdonald: ballroom, stage dances; eve. classes.
Merritt 4767. IRENE V. SHAY dancing academy, Pacific cor. 16th and Jefferson, sts.Children's class, 2 p. latest tango, hesitation, private lessons by appointment.
Phone Douglas 2260, S. P. MISS Daisy Wright's dancing class will reopen Saturday, Sept. 5. 3:30.
Majestic Hall. 431 12th Lakestde 1240. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A-43 PER MONTH. FINE RENTAL PIANOS. One year rental allowed an purchase GIRARD PIANO CO.
Third Floor. 517-519 14th Oakland. BEAUTIFUL mah. upright piano; cost $500; sell for 1-3. Lakeside 791, 8:30 a.m.
FOR SALE- Stuyvesant piano In good condition, and Martin guitar with leather case. 706 Broadway, new, beautiful, 88-note, solid mahogany, 50 rolls latest music and cabinet to match; for sale at a sacrifice: owner going East. 22 Randwick nr. Pled. ave.
CARPET. CLEANING BEE electric vacuum cleaners rented, $1 per day, delivered-called for. Pled. 904. SEWING, refitting, cleaning: expert work.
1849 San Pablo: phone Oakland 3668. STEAM Carpet Cleaning 618 2d phone Oak. 4184; Lake. 1877: work guar. SEWING, refitting.
cleaning: expert work. 1849 San Pablo phone Oakland 3668, VACUUM CLEANERS vacuum cleanets rented, $1 day, delivered and called for: sold on terms. Pledmont Elec. Pled. 8983.
FRANTZ PREMIER CLEANERS, $27.50: machines rented. Oak. 6188. Electric appliances. Pacific Coast: Specialties 1700 Broadway.
DRAYAGE JAS. HENNEBERRY does all kinds of draying. Office, 428 6th phone Oakland 986; residence, Oakland 4080. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS RENTED mos. for initial payment applies if purchased; free delivery Oakland, Berkeley, meda.
American Writing Machine 522 Market 8. Douglas 649; Oakland phone, Piedmont 5986. HOTEL ARRIVAL'S HOTEL ST. MARK-Mrs. William: Webster, Stella N.
Webster, Elizabeth Webster, Los geles; Nellie Chick, M. Lawrence, New York City: T. R. Way, Modesto: Ta 8. Fresno: B.
Bercowits, Corona: O. D. Crawford, Reedley; F. Plano, San Diego: Mrs. H.
Fresno: H. R. Hannon and wife. New York City: H. R.
Shannon and wife, Kingston, Ariz. 0. R. Graham, Niles, Cal: W. Boschker, San Jose: Men, N.
E. Galloway, Healdeburg: E. Callender, Reedley: T. D. Sexton, Oakland; J.
W. Roof, Turlock: Burt Hudson, SaCra mento: Ed Maynon, Oakland: Fred Kahn, New York John A. M. Kutter. New York City: Berkeley; Alice Ryan, Meehan, 1.
Prescott, Mrs. W. Williams, Alameda. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CHANCE to save money and have most- enjoyable vacation; have a due bill covering two board and lodging at Camp Curry (Yosemite Valley) and "Now" Folk (Santa Crus Mountains) and Highland Springs (Lake Klamath Hot Springs. (Slakiyou will sell very cheap.
Box 4196 Tribune. CONTRACTORS, see the adva. of R. N. Burgess, under Special Notices, frat page of today's classified.
The Room You Want See "To Let" advts. in today's TRIBUNE. $6-FOR man, 1 room cottage, furn, comp, for cooking. 214 11th biks east of Broadway, FOLDING box factory wants experienced girls strippers. Apply Monday at U.
S. Sales foot of Powell Emeryville. MY beautiful high-grade piano, very cheap; leaving city. Box 4888, Tribune. PARTNER with $2000 cash to run auto truck: ample security; $7.50 a day min.
guaranteed. Box 4878, Tribune. $1000 FOR 6 good security. Box 4868, Tribune, A BUNNY, corner modern 8 and 4 rOOmA, bath; complete; near cars. 3111 West.
HORSE, harness, painter's wagon, surry for sale. Call bet. 6 and 7 p. 3428 Elm st. WANTED Competent white woman for cooking and general housework: small family: good position for right party.
2840 Parker Berkeley: phone Berkeley 3901. cement hdw. floors: nicely Clare, cars, K. refs, 5461 Lawton ave. WHEAT ADVANCE MEETS OPPOSITION Free Selling on the Market for Several of Largest Houses on 'Change.
CHICAGO, Sept. 5-Although higher prices than any. before since hostilities began were scored today fo the wheat market here, the advance met with determined opposition. There was free selling by several of the largest houses on 'change, and in addition considerable profittaking was indulged in by miscellaneone holders, After opening off to higher, the market stendled at to above last night. Meanwhile.
Mar wheat had touched $1.82 compared with venetrday's topmost figure. Later general decline set In, the buying fever having apparently spent its force. It WAS said that some of the selling futures here by Europe. The close was steady at to under last night. Realizing weakened corn.
The start. which was unchanged to off. was followed by material sag all around, and then by decided rally. Renewed. weakness developed when whent turned down grade.
There was maid to have been material increase of country offerIngs. The close was unsettled. to net lower. Oats contigued to show unnenal activity. Shorts covering strengthened provisiona, Lower quotations for bogs were -virtually 1g- nored.
CHICAGO. Sept. R. -Corn- yellow, No. 8 vellow.
Rye--No. barley, timothy, cloert, nominal. Closing: Wheat- September, May, Corn--December, May, Oats- December, May, Pork- January, $22.02. Lard -October. $10.20: January, $10.97.
Ribs- -October, $12.12: January. $11.72. PORTLAND GRAIN MARKET PORTLAND, Sept. 5. Wheat- No trading; bid prices: Bluestem, forty-fold, 99c: Club, red Russian, 95e; red Fife, IN Co.
20 193.. 10 566... 10 568. 10 600... 20 680.
686.... 201 739. 10 741.. 10 754.... 10 909....
991.... 201 1050.... 10 1096... 1119.... 1128....
1325... 20 1241.... 1862.... 1540... 1552 101 1611....
1662.... 10 1757.... 1767.... 201 1790.... 20 1796....
1811.... 1847.... 1885 2036.... 20 2053 2059.... 2086...
10 2161. 2249. 20 2332 2337 2420... 20 2430. 2000 2528...
20 2737...: 10 2801... 2886... 2890. 20 2893 20 2930. 2944....
3047.... 20 101 3259... 3321.... 20 3418. 201 10001 8764.
201 8787.... 3811. 3838. 101 3868. 10 3867 3890....
3901 201 20 3971.... 201 20 4061.... 20 4077. 201 4080 201 4121.... 4123....
20 152.... 101 4156.... 10 4191.... 201 201 4274.... 4340.
4398.... 201 4429 10 4452.... 1001 4476... 4486. 4627.
201 4631.... 50 4972.... 5161. 201 201 5193 5248.... 101 10 6429 5489.
101 20 6517... 518 20 5522. 50 101 50 5886. 6003.... 6044 201 6045.
101 6066. 10 6230. 6273. 6275. 6279..
20 6288. 6297. 20 6842. 100 6508. 101 6563....
6624. 10 6630. 201 6651.... 10 6767. 101 6820.
201 6824... 6845. 50. 6929. 20 6980.
20 6998.. 501 7078. 7105. 10 7860. 201 7371 7541.
10 101 10 710.... 101 7729. 7789. v. 20 7770.
201 7818.... 100 20 8133. 20 8258. 201 8274... 20 10 8439.
10 8390. 101 8403.... A 20 8469 201 10 8544. 8555. 101-8753 101 50 20 10 8819.
20 8939 201 8960... 100 10. 50-9258 20 9266. 20l 9306 101 9369. 20 9470 10 9479 10 9521....
20 20 9571. 9633. 100 9667. 20 9690 9760.... 20 9807.
201 9868. 101 9870 10 9871. 101 9963. 9995 10 10015. 20 10158..
20 20 10606. 10 10755.... 10674.... 10 20 10688 10757. 20 10962 11007..
10 11008 11215 20 11266 20 11581... 10111649. 10 20 20 10 10 20 12204. 20 12217.. 20 20 12358...
20 12553. 20 12638 12668 10 12695. 10 10 12739. 10 50 20 12895.. 20 100 10 13169 100 60118696.
20 20 20 18983.... 20 10 14099. 20 14279 14854. 14481.. 20 15149...
20 15165... 20 20 15194. 20 20 20 10 15763. 20 20 16187. 20 16270.
20 20 16390. 10 500 16508.. 20 16620. 20116706 20 16716.. 50 16828.
20 17082. 17087. 10 17147. 20 17385. 100 20 20 20 17718.
20 20 18119... 18860... 10 18369. 18419... 18424...
50 20 20 18832... 20118927 20 18948... 19225. 20119257. 19299.
10 19429. 10 19516. 19657 100 19579. 10119766... 20 10 10 19900.
10 19926... 20 19966. 101 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 99 numbers. from 15101 to each.
99 numbers, from 2401 to 2500 $10 each. 99 numbers, from 3601 to each. TERMINAL PRIZES. 199 numbers ending with 49. 199 numbers ending with 30.
$2000- No, 16149 draws First Capital Prize, $10,000: sold In San Francisco and Vacaville, Cal. No. 2430, draw Second Capitai Prize, $2000; sold in San Francisco and Weed, Cal. No. 3618 draws Third Capital Prize, $1000: sold in San Francinco and Antioch.
Cal. No. 8543 draws $500: sold in Stockton and Oakdale. Cal. No.
16490 draws $500: sold in Oakland and Butter Creek, Cal. The above 18 for 32 tickets- fractions An proportion MARKET HAS FEW CHANGES Melons Much Cheaper; Grapes Suffer Decline; Eggs Advance Slightly. Melons are much cheaper this morning on account of the full supply on hand. Delta Nutmegs relapsed, selling at from 25 standard In crates brought from 50 Pontes. crates, 35 Grapes miso suffered a decline.
the Seedless variety bringing from 65 86e loc. The only vegetable regiatering change were Wax and string beans, which were quoted from a pound. Deciduous Fruits Apples, box: Gravenstein, 4-tier. do, fancy 4-tier, 65 Skinner ling. 4-tier, do.
small boxes, 85 crapapples, lugs, 75c; do, small boxes. 35 Peaches Freestone. Inge, fancy el 75e Clingstone. 35 Freestone, 75e: 20-16 boxes. Pears Large wrapped Bartlett, $1.50: lugs.
small Bartlett. Howell $1.15 50 Buerre pears, Plums Lags, 75c Hungarian, $1. Damson. lugs, 01.25; do, small bores, 400. Prunes Giant, crates, Sliver, crates, $1, Ounces- -Per box.
Figs- -White Smyrna. single layer, 23 slides. 25c Stockton black. double layer, 350 50c black figs. Vacaville, double layer, extra fancy, 63 75c.
Grapes -Black. lugs, 400.50e: Seedless, Inge, 65 (285c: Malagas, 65 Tokays, TSe: cats. $1 01.25; Lady fingers, Teabellas, crates, Oranges- -Per box. Valencia fancy, $2.500 $2.75: choice. $2 22.50.
Citrua Fruits- -Per box: Lemons, standard, 06.50: do, choice. fancy. 88; lemon ettes, grapetruit, fancy. do, second grade. Strawberries Per chest, $2.50 Raspberries -Per chest, Huckleberries- Per pound, Tropical Fruits Bananas, Central American, m4c per popnd; do, Hawalian, a bunch; pineapples, large, per dozen: small.
$1.25 per dozen. Watermelons dosen. Cantaloupes -Luge: Nutmegs, Deltas, standard, crates, Ponies. 36 Persian, crates, Persian, boxes, Casabie, 500 00c. POTATOES.
ONIONS, VEGETABLES. Potatoes -Per sack, Delta Burbanks, fancy Balinas, $1.85 sweet potatoes, per box, 75 4085e. Onions -Per sack, yellow, 00 extra fancy. $1. Vegetables Lugs, tomatoes.
25 4001 plant, lugs, summer squash, cucumbers, 25 peppers. Bell, Chill, do, 15(225c: carrots, per sack, 500; green corn. per sack, benne, wax and string. per pound': Lima beans, per pound; peas, per pound; garlie, per pound. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE, Eggs of both varieties advanced, fresh eggs to 87 cents and pallet eggs to rapid rise.
Fancy butter, 32e, per pound; fresh per dozen; pullet eggs, cheese, POULTRY SAND GAME. Shipments of California chickens Into Oakland amounted to 38 coops. Young stock was weaker, welling from 184 200. a pound. California bene brought from per pound.
One carload of eastern chickens arrived and hens sold from per pound and springs from per pound. Poultry- -Per fryers, broilers, 18 old 11 young roosters, hens, cantern bene. eastern young roosters, eastern old roosters, 12 (2 180. Per dozen: Old ducks, $5006: young ducks, $6 old pigeons, A be, geese, $203 per pair. Rabbits -Per pound, Belgian hare, Wild Game -Per dosen: Hare, cottontails, MINING STOCKS Furnised by Zadig Stock Brokers, 324 Bush 8.
Ask. Opbir 10 Belcher 80 Mexican 88 40 Nevada 10 Best Belch 02 Bullion Gould 0. Utah 88: Con Va 11 12 Exchequer 02 Potosi Union Chollar Savage 06 28: Sex Overman Belcher 898: Hale 08 Caledonia Con Yellow Imperial. 85 02 00 03 Andes Scorpion Occidental 82:: Tono of Net. 5.87 Mispah Ex 68 01 Cash Boy Midway 00 Ton Merger Belmont ...5.25 Mon Pitta Star 15 Halifax End 57 Rescue 07 Queen Butler 04 GOLDFIELD.
Gold. Con ..1.30 Atlanta 11 Sand Kendall. 04 Gt Bend 08 Colum Mt 02 Florence 8: 00 Yellow Tiger, 811 Pick Con. 1 Red Blue Bull Gold Kew Jumbo Ex Diam 8: Booth Frae Lone St Con. Dia F1d Daley Oro 03 Vernal CALIFORNIA.
Central 10 20. MANHATTAN. Man Con 04 Dex Wh Caps 08 Gold 02 Net Ellis 2 Man Big 01 Pitta 17 OTHER DISTRICTS. BALES. 1000 Atlanta 1000 Merger 10000 Rescue 01 SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE OIL CLOSING QUOTATIONS.
Bid. Ask.I Bid. Central 15 17 Union Mohawk 75 Republic 16 Monte 0. 60 Turner Am Of. Union 50 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS CHICAGO, Sept.
-Closing quotations: Option- Open. High. Low. Close. WHEAT- PER BUSHEL September .1.27 1.22 1.10 December 1.24⅛ 1.21% May 1,32 1.28% 'CONN-PRA BUSHEL September 82 December May OATS -PER BUSHEL September .51 December BARRELL January ..23.05 28.06 22.80 22.02 'LARD--PER 100 LBB.
September 10:12 10.11 10.07 10,07 October .10.20 10.27 10.17 10.20 January .10.97 11.02 10.02 10.97 SHORT' RIBS--PER 100 LBS. September 12.42 12.85 October 12.10 12.15 12.12 12.12 January 11.75 11.83 11.10 12.72 BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE SAN FRANCISCO. -Hept. creamers. 820; seconds, Eggs--Fancy ranch.
Cheese -New, 0 CHICAGO, Sept: Butter- No market. 1700 at mark, elticed, ordinary firsts, 201 firsts, 24c. NEW YORK, Sept. and eggs -Unchanged. ELGIN, 111., Sept.
-Butter CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO. Sept. -Receipts, 90001 weak; balk or sales, light, $8.760 9.25: pigs. slow. stents.
$0.00 stockers and feeders. cows and heifers, $3.75 calves. $7.50011.0. Sheep Receipts, 4000: steady. Sheep, $4.150 5.75; yearlings, $5.50 lambs, MONEY AND EXCHANGE NEW YORK.
Sept. 6. Closing: Mercaptile paper, per cent: sterling exchange, easier, for demand. $4.0950: bar all vet. Exchanges, balances, ExchangeR for the week, balances for the week, $80,224.708.
WEATHER FORECAST Oakland and vicinity- Cloudy tonight and Sunday morning: fair Sunday; light west wind. Southern California- -Pair tonight and Sunday; light west wind. Sacramento Valley--Fair tonight and Mundas: light south wind. Banta Clara Valley- tonight: Sunday fair; light south wind. in north Joaquin Valley and wind.
FRANCISCO GRAIN MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. No. 1, October, $1.74 bid; October, whart, asked; cash, $1.38 bid: cash. $1.15 MARRIAGE, BIRTH AND DEATH NOTICES MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were lasted today: Bremorel, 41, and Christine M.
Meyd, 22. both of Ban Jose. B. Dean, 82, and Emma M. Koch, 23, both of Berkeley.
ESPES-SCHAOK- L. 23. Rene, and Elate Schack. 21, Oakland. Fowler.
27, and Evelyf, Reid. 26, both of San Francisco, -Howard Freder22. and Claire G. Furlong, 22, both of Oakland. P.
For, 22. and Lila Z. Brearty, 18. both of Oakland. Garcin, 23, and Erma Homburg.
20, both of Oakland. -Oliver A Gist, 23, and Edith 20, both of Berkeley. HILL- Fred 21, and Alida Waara, 22. Berkeley. San Francisco, and Katheleen M.
Etekling. 2. Oakland. Langford, 43, and Nina B. Watson, 27, both of Oakland.
LEVY-SCHUMAN- -Herbert 20. Freene, and Madeline L. Sebuman, Oakland. Mayhew, Me and Merle E. Watson, 10, both Oakland.
MUSSO-OBERTO-Rocco Musso, 82, and Caterina Oberto, 25, both of Richmond. Charles McGonigle, 30, and Mary Callaghan, 20, both of Oakland. Nannatti, 20, and Lena Headington, 17, both of. Oakland. -Wesley 0.
Pearson, 24, and Edith L. Parker, 18, both of Alameda. SCHACHTERLE-KNUDSEN- Emanuel J. Schachterle, 23, and Pearl Grace Knudsen, 21, both of Oakland. Joaquin Telxera, 28, and Maggia Furtado.
18, both of Oakland. WOLFF COW AN- Edmond U. Wolff. 20, and Ester 8. Cowan, 22, both of Oakland, MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Any amount from $100 to $50.000 real estate: no delay; rates and Have money on hand at all times George W.
Austin 1424 BROADWAY. AT 14TH ST. PHONE OAKLAND 995. If you want to borrow or loan money on improved real estate, consult me first. H.
J. Brands 601 THOMSON BROADWAY, AT 17TH ST. Oakland 1951. 1 HAVE READY MONEY WATS To Real Ratate, E. H.
LOHMANN 218 Tinion Ravines Bank Bullding. 18th and phone Oakland Right now we can place. any number of small loans on residence $3500. Apply at once to Mortgage T.oan Lenartment. Fred E.
Reed Co. 720 SYNDICATE BUILDING. PHONE LAKESIDE -706. Quick Loans from $250 to $10.000. ITALIAN-AMERICAN REALTY 790 Broadwav: nhone Oakland 4488.
Quick Real Estate Loans Fee H. Dale. 404 14tb st Realty FinanceCo Real Estate Loans Any amount, ready At and 444 11th Koenig Kroll ph. Oak. 254 A PRIVATE party will loan on second mortgage; if you already have a loan on your property and want A little additional.
Box 4774, Tribune. LOANS -Real estate, diamonds, 619 near Grove: phone Piedmont 3991. HAVE $1500 to loan at on good new Improved real estate. Phone Oak. 1371.
LOANS on real estate env amount. A. N. Macdonald. 217 Bacon hide: Oak.
5942. MONEY ON REAT. ESTATE at and P. PORTER. 1421 Broadway.
MTGS. and contracts bought: loans. con. 307 Bacon Oakland 808: REAT, ESTATE loans: charges low. Naismith, 19 Racon Oakland 3894.
WILL $2000 or $1500 on improved real estate: loan not to exceed of actual cash value. Address 12304, Tribune. WANT a good $5000 loan on Berkeley residence. 2 rears: will not loan over Address Box 12165, Tribune. MONEY WANTED WANT to borrow $500 on 2d 1st mtg.
$3000 runs for 2 years; property value $6000: fine location: rented. to steady tenants: I wish to do business direct with principal only; no agents; I will pay or per annum, but no commission. Phone Pledmont 7345. Immediately, $150 on fine level building lot worth $1000. Box 12364.
Tribune. MONEY end security fret Rox 570. Tribune, on $20.000 at real estate security; principals only, BOx 12282, Tribune. WANT $2100 on Hayward lots valued $4500: pay Box 12159, Tribune. $1800 on Improved property, worth $4000: close in: will pay 9 per cent net; prinelpals only.
Box 4860 Tribune. PHYSICIANS DIRECTORY. Dr. Card DISEASES OF WOMEN. Formerly of 517 -234 Oakland.
Regular licensed physician; 7 yearn without a single known dissatisfaction: painless treatments, honest methods, rivaled skill; no detention from home or work: recommended by many thousands of cured and grateful patients: low fees. Consultation confidential. 410-14-Westbank a Market and Ellis hours 10 to 5: and 309-10 Pantages Oakland, hours 10 to 5. Dr. O'Donnell ATTENTION.
LADIES. THE WORLD- RENOWNED SPECIALIST FOR LADIES HAS HELPED THOUSANDS OF THE MOST NATE. Sure and quick results; strict. reliable, graduate physician; no tion from home or occupation: my meth. ods are original and Are not used by other specialists: antiseptic and painless: consultation and, advice free.
Room 1025 Market bet. 6th and 7th: a. m. 4 p. 6-9 p.
Sun. 11-3 p. m. OAKLAND PHYSICIANS DR. 109.
M. -GERMAN PHYSICIANS DR. L. LAMPERT. physician and geon, treats all diseases of men, women and children.
88 well as genito urinary and rectalgia. Office open at all hours. 1198 Broadway, cor. 12th. MATERNITY HOMES Private Maternity Home; best board before.
628 Hobart, nr. Grove SHEPHERD'S Maternity Honey 1707 13th phone Merritt 4179: rates read. OSTEOPATHY DR. F. F.
DESSAU ach. lver, kidneva. howels. Thaver bide. JUNK RAGS, bottles, scrap Iron.
househoid top prices: prompt ton. 428 6th at, phone Lakeside 1967. BIRTHS. -In Berkeley, 1014. to the wife of Charles E.
son. DIVORCES FILED. -Margbertta against Antonio Brezso; DEATHS alleged failure to provide. PARKS E. against Laster M.
Parker alleged cruelty. J. against Grace M. Richarda: alleged abandonment. -Raymond against Easel G.
Stags: alleged statutory grounds. DEATHS -In this elty, September 8, 1814 Dr. John L. Bobannon, beloved husband of Hannah Bobanuon, beloved brother of Joseph Bobannon, A native of Boane county, Tennessee, aged 66 years, months and 11 days. Veteran of the Northern army in the Civil war.
(Boise, Idaho. papers please copy.) The funeral will take place Monday, September 7, 1914, at 10 o'clock from the residence parlors of MeMaster Briscoe, 600 Twenty-fourth street. Incineration, California Crematorium. Friends are respectfully nottfled. Incineration private.
(Portland, papers please copy.) -In Alameda, September Freder lek Olay Barrows, beloved son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrows and brother of Clara Boyd, Mrs. 0. A.
Beckman, Herbert L. Floyd D. and Fay D. Barrows, California, aged 46 years, BENDER- in this city, Sept. 2.
1014, Carl Bender, beloved: husband of mender, 107: lug stepfather of Margaret Montgomery, of Mrs. Kathryn Hoosch of. Pueblo, brother of Edward P. Bender of Oakland, George Bender of Colorado Springs, step. brother of Benito Sternberg of San Diego.
and Mrs. Camilla Schnell of Pueblo, native of Colorado, aged 38 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Monday, September 7, 1914, at 10:30 o'elock from his late residence, 3273 West street, Oakland. Incineration, Calitorala Crematorium. CARTER- this city, September 1914, George, dearly beloved husband of Mollie Cara ter, loving father of George Thomas 0..
John William and Agnes M. Carter, 1 native of Ireland, peed 05 years, months and daze. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Monday, September 7. 1914. at 9 o'clock from his late residence, 1120 Chester street, thence to St.
church, where requiem high: mass will be celebrated for the repose of soul, commencing at 9:80 o'elock m. Interment, 8t. Mary' cemetery. HUNKEN- In Kimbarst. September Maria Anna Hunken, dearly beloved wife of the Inte Henry Hunken, beloved mother of Henry John and George Hunken, slater of John Hendricksen.
Mrs. Meta Beheppert and Louls Hendricksen, and grandmother of Henry John and Roy Hunken of New Jersey, a native of Hanover, Germany, aged 18 years and 5 months. -In Stockton, September 1814, Michael, dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mr. Joseph Joyce and loving brother of Joseph, Jr.
and Mary Joyce and the late J. and Patrick Joyce. a native of aged 84 years, months and days. will be at the parlors of Quinn Sweeney, 711 Clay street, Oakland, evening. Felenda and acquaintances are respectfully to attend funeral Monday, Heptember 7, at 8:30 o'clock a.
from the parlor8 of Quinn Sweeney, Tit Clay thence to church, on Pled mont avenue, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, com mencing at Interment, St. cemetery. MORSE- At Knights September of Arthur Morse, dearly beloved husband Carrie M. Morse. father of Evaline, and Alvin Morse, native of Vermont, aged 36 years.
9 months and 14 days. PAYSON-In Berkeley, September 6, 1814, William I. dearly beloved busband of Parson, native of Boston, 69 6 months and 20 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services Mon day, September 1914, At 2 Dave from the Unitarian church, corner of Dana and Bancroft Remains at the chapel of Jameson Neibaus, 2434 Telegraph avenue, Berkeley In this elty, September 4, 1914, Mary Ann Sherbourne, beloved wife of the late Nathaniel Sherbourse, loving mother nt Mra. Eveline M. Heldorn.
Mrs. Ethel Mrn. Gertrude 8. Bister, winiam and Nathaniel Sher bourse, a native Calcutta, Last India. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the fineral services Tuesday, September 1914.
at 2 o'clock p. from the of chapel no the California Crematorium, end Pledmont avenue. Remains at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph 0, Bister. 1176 Regent street.
Alameda until 12 o'clock p. m. Tuesday. Incineration, California Oremators. WIGHTMAN- Alameda, September Minor beloved father of Mr.
W. Young of 1250 Broadway street. Alameda. native of Indiana, aged 70 years, months and 6 days. Frienda and ire respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services Monday afternoon, September 1914, at 2:90 o'clock.
at Masonie ball, corner of Bast Fourteenth street and Thirty -fourth Services umder the auspices of Fruitrale Lodge, No. 336, A. M. Interment, Mt. View CARD OF THANKS.
We wish to extend our thanks to the beta of Oakland Lodge, No. 188, A. Mar 10 Appomattox Post and W. R. who conducted the funeral services of our late husband.
father and grandfather, 0. H. Hulls also to the friends and neighbors who sympathized with In our bereavement. MRS. HULL AND FAMILY.
-GODEAU FUNERAL SERVICE Saves Half of Funeral Bills and Gives Best Service This Fact In. worth remembering. Telephone Oakland 4045 when death makes the under. taker necessary. JULIUS S.
CODEAU 2210 Webster Oakland. 41. Van Ness Ave. 805 Columbus Are. Figueron Los Angelos.